субота, 18. април 2015.

City of Kruševac

Kruševac, old Serbian capital with centuries of tradition and rich cultural heritage, contains a great potential for tourism development. Rich in historical facts, stories and monuments that represent the existance of these stories, Kruševac is interesting town. It was built at intersection of communications that are intersected by the ancient Balkan and merged his peripheral parts, Kruševac represents busy place, perfect for relaxation and escape from urban environment. Development of Kruševac depends of the competitivenes of Kruševac against other cities.

City of Kruševac is located in central Serbia. It covers the southern end of the Pannonian rim and Pannonian landscapes of Serbia. It covers and area of 854 square kilometers and includes 101 settlements with more than 145 000 inhabitants. According to tradition, the name of town is interpreted differently: that it's from phytogeographic origin - in antiquity known for the cultivation of pears; or is associated with the material "krusac" of which was the town built. The city of Kruševac as urban area, has about 65 000 inhabitants. The municipality of Kruševac is the center of Rasina district, which consists of the municipalities of Aleksandrovac, Brus, Varvarin, Trstenik and Ćićevac.

Kruševac is located 194 kilometers from Belgrade. City is located at the crossroads of several regional roads. One of the main traffic corridors is E-75, which leads from Southeast Europe to Western Europe, cuts the subregion of Kruševac on the northeastern side. Kruševac is associated with the direction of state road M-5 ( Pojate - Kruševac - Kraljevo) at Pojate, 21km from Kruševac, through which entire the area is connected to the network of European highways.

As a city rich with centuries of tradition and history, once the medieval Serbian capital, Kruševac today is a modern city, economic, administrative, cultural, health, educational, informative and sports center of importance for Rasina district and Republic of Serbia. Preserved remains of the archaeological preserved national park Lazar's medieval town, of Prince Lazar, lifted 1371 as his capital and military fort, in which there was the palace, palace church, fortress, dungeon tower and the so-called lower town with shops, craft shops and stores, where until the 17th century lived the colony of Dubrovnik merchants. Doždon tower represents the remains of the  main tower that had a defensive role, especially as the last resistance to the enemy if he penetrated into the interior of the city.

The character of prince Lazar was made according to fresco in the monastery Ravanica. The ornaments on the dress are taken from Lazar's dress copy of which is kept in the National museum in Kruševac. It is located in the eastern part of archaeological park " Lazar's town ".

Church Lazarica is rightly called the pearl of Moravian architecture. It was built in 1375 or 1376 in the glory of the firstborn son of Prince Lazar and also the heir to the throne, the despot Stefan. The church is dedicated to the archdeacon Stefan, the protector of Nemanjić dynasty.

The monument of Kosovo heroes is also a symbol of Kruševac and one of the most successful achievements of Serbian statuary from the beggining of XX century. The monument is the work of famous Serbian sculptor Djordje Jovanovic who was awarded with a gold medal at world exhibition in Paris in 1900.

Kruševac has a relatively good range of hotels and tourist facilities. Such are the hotels "Rubin", "New Palace",  "Golf", "Europe", "Pearl" and the lodgins "Dabi", "Quarter", "City". Hotel Rubin is located in the center of town, overlooking the main square and monument of Kosovo heroes. By location, but also by architectural design is one of the symbols of Krusevac.

In the vicinity of Kruševac there is mountain of Jastrebac, where it is also very well developed tourism, where citizens of Kruševac but also from all the surronding cities go on vacation, usually on weekends.  In the vicinity of Kruševac is also a Fishermen spa, which has a large number of visitors that meets the needs of tourists. 

Bagdala is one of the synonyms of Kruševac. Bagdala in Turkish means " the place where you can enjoy the nice ( divine ) view ". Bagdala is most visited for the May day.

Kruševac also have a beach at Rasina river, but also a city pool. City also have many sport facilities such as: sports hall, covered swimming pool complex, gym, bowling, table tennis halls, balloon hall, city stadium complex, football pitch, tennis court, sports courts, a skate park, volleyball on the sand.

In Kruševac, there are a fair number of travel agencies that meet customer needs. These are: Tourist Organization of Kruševac, "Centroturist", "Navis", "Decade", "Golding Travel". Travel agencies organize a tour of the city, visiting National museum, many historical monuments, or Gallery exhibition of paintings.

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