петак, 17. април 2015.

Fishermen spa

In central Serbia, surrounded by mountain slopes, lies Fishermen spa. It's amazing natural environment, fresh and clean air, have made it possible to classified as a health resort.
Fishermen spa, also known as "Royal spa" is located in central Serbia, on one end royal position, located on the slopes of mount Jastrebac, in the valley of the river Fishermen. Spa is called "Royal spa" because of the kings who had visited her in her long history. It is known as an oasis of pure air, healthy food and medicinal hot springs.

Fishermen spa is one of the richest spas in Serbia when it comes to the number of it's mineral springs. On it's territory so far is known of six different sources of healing mineral water. The sources were considered medicinal and are exploited for therapeutic purposes and before the first expert analysis. Fishermen spa boasts both cold and hot minerals springs. Five of the six total sources are used for therapeutic purposes with bathing and drinking, and only one, the coldest for only drinking. This cold mineral spring is specific as it is the only "akratopega" on the Balkans.

Accommodation in Royal spa can be found very easily, and no matter where tourists take the accommodation, the mineral springs will be close. Fishermen spa does not have any hotels, but is full of villas and other private accommodations.
Also, within the Institute for treatment and rehabilitation of patients with orthopedic and degenerative diseases, Fishermen spa, accommodation can be found, so that the institution provides the accommodation for both "sick" and ordinary visitors.

Fishermen spa is particularly proud of the ethno-restaurant-the mill Srndalje, where visitors can enjoy local cuisine prepared according to traditional recipes and relax in the untouched nature next to moutain river with the sound of a millstone that grinds flour daily.

Fishermen spa has also sports fields for soccer, basketball, volleyball and other sports. The terrain is suitable for organizing competitions and other events. Outdoor pools are most popular party for the guests of Royal spa. Water in the pools is thermal and healing, which have positive effects on the health.

There are increasingly popular, not only for us, but also in the world, various folk festivals that display traditional crafts and skills that make it preserves the tradition of one nation.
Royal spa have a festival of this kind. The festival that  cherishes old Serbian spirit and our beautiful tradition. It can be enjoyed in the old folk songs,in the perfomances of our folklore societies.

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